This Friday on July 7th, Frontier Development’s Warhammer RTS Age Of Sigmar: Realms Of Ruin is holding its first open beta test for its 1v1 multiplayer mode. Players will be able to go head to head with two of the game’s four factions – the golden fantasy knights of the Stormcast Eternals and the sneaky green stink lads of the Orruk Kruleboyz – giving us our first taste of how they’ll handle in battle, and the kinds of powerplays we’ll be making with their respective (and rather handsome) tabletop miniature recreations.
And having played four rounds of its 1v1 matches already at a press event last week, it’s quite the thrill – and I say that as someone with no real attachment to Warhammer or Age Of Sigmar’s specific lore legacy. The Stormcast Eternals and their flying hammer brutes are just as devastating as you’d imagine, while the lads lads lads and their Killaboss Kruleboyz are challenging late-game bloomers that will give even hardened strategy game veterans plenty to sink their teeth into. Both factions are great fun, and I’m very much looking forward to jumping back in this weekend.
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